Why Solar

Why buy electricity when you can produce your own?

Solar Energy Works for You

Let the sun work for you and immediately save money while building equity in your home! Wall Street investors shouldn’t dictate our monthly bills. It’s time we take back control. We’ve been “renting” electricity much the same way since the time of Thomas Edison. As rates continue to climb year after year, there is no better time to finally take control and harness the power of the sun. Saving tens of thousands of dollars isn’t the only reason to go solar. Solar energy creates energy independence for the community, the state and America!

Save Money

Simply put, solar saves a lot of money. When the sun is your fuel, say goodbye to big bills from the energy monopolies.

Sun shining on a solar roof

Increase Your Home Value

Independent studies show homes with solar energy sell faster, and for more money. And the increase in value is tax-exempt.

Get Financial Incentives

We can help you take advantage of the federal and state incentives that help you save money, all while securing the grid!


Battery technology has come a long way and with the incentives available, it’s never been a better time to back up your home with solar. Never again will you need to buy fuel for a noisy generator when your home runs off a silent battery system.

family in a sunny field

Protect the Environment

Saving money isn’t the only benefit. Cutting emissions will help provide a cleaner future for everyone!

No Up-Front Costs?

The many financing options with no money down mean you can start saving immediately.


Local Financing Available

ROI typically within 10 years

30% Federal Tax Credit

Receive State incentives

Increase Property Value

25 Year Warranty

Solar Loan

$0 Down Payment

Save Immediately

30% Federal Tax Credit

Receive State incentives

Increase Property Value

25 Year Warranty


(Power Purchase Agreement)

$0 Down Payment

Save Immediately

Monthly Savings

Monthly Savings

Increase Property Value

25 Year Warranty

Contact us and we'll help you find the solar option that's right for you

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